Book Massage Treatment

Each treatment is tailored to your body’s current needs, in accordance to your goals, in consideration of your the day to day situation. This is done through a large range treatment techniques combined with deep expertise of functional anatomy & movement knowledge

Treatment Techniques:

Oil Relaxation
Joint Mobilization
Deep Tissue
Myofascial Release

Dry needling
TCM Acupressure
Stretch Therapy
Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Consultation & Treatment Plan
Assessment & Reassessment
Joint observations
Assisted stretching

See bottom of page for more…

Clinic located on: 6/72-80 Hampstead Rd, Maidstone VIC 3012, Australia
Near Highpoint Shopping Centre


By appointment only.

Mon-Thu 9AM-5PM Sat 9am-5pm Sun 2:30pm-6pm

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out 0435195467
Money back with Health Insurance Rebates.

All Bookings require a $30 non-refundable deposit payID
(paid after SMS confirmation)

Massage Techniques

  • My oils are 100% natural with an essential oil mix for anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. High in Vitamin E.

    Dry massages allow for a rhythmic deep massage which promotes joints to relax while the soft tissue of the body can get refreshed by the massage.

  • Sustained pressure applied to connective tissue instead of muscle. lt alleviate pain, restore motion and improve the flow of fluids.

  • Used to improve joint mobility and reduce pain. It involves applying controlled, gentle force to a joint in order to restore normal movement, reduce stiffness, and promote healing. These technique can be beneficial for individuals experiencing musculoskeletal issues or recovering from injuries.

  • The use of essential oil and natural oils to stimulate the olfactory which has a direct connection to your brain, helping ease your mind while also providing anti fungal and bacterial directly to your body by your lunges and skin. This helps reduce inflammation and thus pain.

  • Item description
  • Long, flowing strokes to induce relaxation and reduce stress. These techniques are commonly used in therapeutic and spa settings to address various physical and mental health concerns.

  • Pressure used to ease into a deep relief of muscles. Not to be confused with hard massage.

Corrective Exercise

  • A stretching method that has been developed over the past 35 years by Kit Laughlin and Olivia Allnutt, which creates an environment that cultivates activities to allow for researching, investigating, teaching and stretching and relaxation methodologies.

    With that, they’ve created “The Stretch Therapy Method”. A series of simple tools and exercises for everyone regardless of their exercise experience and physical condition.

  • My background of training in martial arts and various methods allows me to tailor exercises to your unique anatomy and physical requirements. I do this by applying the principles of corrective exercises, compared to cookie-cutter exercise prescriptions.

  • Simple evidence based exercises to help overcome concerns or lessen problem associate with chronic conditions.

  • Basic techniques and advice targeted towards your body and habits to minimize the subtle physical fatigue that's easily mistaken for mental fatigue.

  • A movement that’s coached in a particular way that allows your mind to reset and follow your body without stress or pain.

  • Trigger points and tight muscles are often a shortcut to strength work. Strength training can be a designed program, program advice or targeted insidious activity.

  • 1/3 of the joints in the human body are in the feet; they have over 200 muscles, tendons and ligaments supporting them. This area is often overlooked by the entire health industry.

  • Professional guidance through your road of recovery to facilitate the healing process, making your life simpler.

    I learnt this journey through my injuries and have helped countless others maximise their body’s ability to bounce back.

  • The fancy, clinical way of saying 'injury management'.

    Stop secondary injuries while preventing the return of the primary injuries.

Advanced Manual Therapy

  • We discuss the nature of your concern. Test the soft tissue, joints, nerves and quality of your movement through an orthopedic test. Talk about your day-to-day physical habits to create a game plan to maximise your body’s healing response.

  • Joint mobilization with the application of oscillation, rhythm and understanding the needs for your body for a deep reset.

  • Acupressure involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities, improve circulation, and alleviate pain. This therapy is believed to restore balance and flow of vital energy, known as Qi, within the body.

  • GemT dry needling is the use of a solid filament for deactivation and desensitization of a myofascial trigger point to both stimulate the healing response and reduce the biomechanical stress of the muscle and related joint.

  • Traditional Cupping lasts for 20 minutes. It's for general well-being.

    Western techniques have repurposed the cups to allow for different uses than just general health. Such as stretching local tissue, targeting trigger points, and scraping/gua-sha.

  • Application of specialized anatomy knowledge used to stimulate nerves related to an injured or problem area indirectly

  • Pressure is applied on reflex points to stimulate nerves to help your body manage what is currently overwhelming it.

  • Item description
  • By using specific hand movements and light pressure, MLD aims to reduce swelling, support the immune system, and promote the body's natural detoxification processes, leading to pain reduction, improved overall health and aid recovery.

  • Gentle stretching to calm your nervous system, reset muscle tone and improve joint alignment.

  • Some injuries and imbalances require time to overcome and are best integrated into your competitive schedule.

    We will look at the time and cost-benefit to work accordingly.

  • Specialized treatment targeting the added demands on the body brought on by diabetes

  • Tailored massage for the needs of expecting mothers. It focuses on addressing the physical discomforts associated with pregnancy, such as back pain, swelling, and stress. The techniques used are adapted to ensure the safety and comfort of both the mother and the baby.